Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Diabetes A Common Disease Essay - 1604 Words

I have chosen to write my paper on diabetes. Many people in my family have been diagnosed with it. I have always wanted to know more about diabetes, but never had a reason to look things up besides the fact of being very curious about the disease. I know a few things about it because of spending so much time with my younger cousin and watching her do things to care for herself. I used to ask her many questions about it, but I figured she had gotten tired of me asking constantly, so I just gave up the idea of having much knowledge about diabetes until now. Did you know that many people are diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, otherwise known as diabetes, every year? Approximately 18.2 million Americans have diabetes and about 1/3 of Americans do not know they have it (Diabetes). There are three different types of diabetes: type 1, type 2, and gestational. Diabetes is a very common disease throughout the world. The most common group of people affected by diabetes are usually children, in the form of type 1 diabetes. Diabetes means â€Å"siphon† (to pass through), and mellitus means sweet. Back in the 17th century, diabetes was known as â€Å"pissing evil† (History of Diabetes). Diabetes is referred to as a group of diseases that affects how the body uses glucose that there is no known cure for yet. Glucose is a very important source of energy for the cells to make up the muscle mass and tissues (Diabetes). Glucose is also known as the brains main source of fuel. In other words,Show MoreRelatedIs Diabetes A Common Disease?135 8 Words   |  6 Pages The disease that we mostly discuss that causes illness to people’s health in our society is diabetes. It is believed that 50 percent of people living in Canada have been determined to have diabetes. Diabetes is a common disease that mostly occurs with people who are in old age along with specific group of individuals. 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Glucose, a simple sugar, is the primary source of fuel for our bodies. When food is digested, some of the food will be converted into glucose which is then transferred from the blood into the cells however, insulin, which is produced by beta cells in the pancreas is needed. In individuals with diabetes, this process is impairedRead MoreDiabetes : A Common Chronic Disease1214 Words   |  5 PagesDiabetes Diabetes is a common chronic disease that causes problems in the way the blood uses food. The inability of the body to transform the sugar into energy is called diabetes. Glucose is the primary source of fuel for our body. When foods are digested, some of those foods are converted into glucose. Glucose then is transferred into the bloodstream and is used by cells for energy. However, for the glucose to be transferred from the blood into the cells, insulin, which was produced by betaRead MoreDiabetes : A Common And Well Known Disease1564 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Diabetes is a common and well-known disease in the US. Healthcare providers manage the care of patients daily as both direct and indirect effects of diabetes contribute to their poor health. Diabetes mellitus type 2 is characterized by high blood sugar levels as a result of insulin resistance. The risk factors associated with an increasing prevalence in the US includes genetics, family history, poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, and obesity.1 Healthcare providers are challengedRead MoreDiabetes : The Most Common Diseases Of Mankind Essay2348 Words   |  10 PagesDiabetes is a chronic disease that affects the body’s capability to produce or respond to the hormone called insulin. With this happening it causes irregular metabolism of carbohydrates and raise the body’s glucose levels in the urine and the blood. Although diabetes is very disturbing it is also preventable. Diabetes is one of the greatest common diseases of mankind. A lot of people believe that having this disease is ordinary, or even curable. Although it is not perceived to be terminal and contagiousRead MoreDiabetes Mellitus : Common Metabolic Disease Affecting 29 Million Americans1087 Words   |  5 PagesDiabetes What is Diabetes Mellitus? Diabetes Mellitus is common metabolic disease affecting 29 million Americans (CDC 2014), in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin resulting in an elevation of blood glucose. Diabetes Mellitus is present in three forms; type 1, type 2, and gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 is usually diagnosed in children and young adults with only 5% of Diabetes patients having this form (American Diabetes Association 2015). With this type of DiabetesRead MoreDiabetes : A Common And Well Known Disease That Affects People Of Different Ages1548 Words   |  7 PagesAbstract This paper explores the three different types of Diabetes, a common and well-known disease that affects people of different ages. It explains the difference between Type 1, Type 2, and Gestational Diabetes and how prevalent it is in today’s generation. A sudden spike in a person’s blood sugar numerous times is an indication that a person has developed this disease. There are countless of people that are not fully aware of what a consistent rise in blood sugar can do to a person’s body.Read MoreDiabetes Is A Common Disease That Affects A Large Number Of The World s Population Essay1995 Words   |  8 Pagesargue that diabetes mellitus is not a common disease that affects a large number of the World’s population. Shockingly, the World Health Organization reported that an estimated 347 million people globally have either type 1 or type 2 diabetes (Bossart et al., 2015). In the United States alone that number is 29 million (Wilkins, 2017). What most people d o not understand is the distinct connection between diabetes and poor oral health. In fact, periodontal disease is considered to be a common complicationRead MoreDiabetes- Informative Speech outline Essay892 Words   |  4 Pagestypes of diabetes. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter:   Show of hands. How many of you all have or know someone with Diabetes? B. Reason to Listen:    According to the â€Å"2013 Fast Fact Sheet† from the American Diabetes Association, nearly 26 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes, which is nearly 10% of the U.S. population. *exact facts are: 25.8 mil and 8.3% C. Credibility Statement: Almost all of my family on the mother’s side has had or are living with Diabetes. In 10th

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