Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Tertiary Learning for Medical Internet Research - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theTertiary Learning for Medical Internet Research. Answer: Using of credible sources in different academic writings in the universities or other higher-level institutions has a large number of significances. Often different universities expect their students to develop persuasive or argumentative essay I order to understand the skills and knowledge they have developed in their assignments. However, professors want students to collect information that are authentic and had been proved through researches and experiments. However, not all the information that is collected can be authentic and therefore, it requires students to select only sources which are credible (Hyland, 2014). More the credible the sources are, the audiences of the paper will become sure that the assertions used by the tertiary learner are not baseless but are backed up by already proved credible information. Moreover, with the passage of time, new information gets discovered in various domains or in various subjects. For example, the healthcare industry is becoming metamor phic in nature with different scientific discoveries and advancements made every time. Therefore, every healthcare students need to be aware of the advancements to develop their practices and knowledge (Turabian, 2018). They need to go through evidence bases continuously to make sure that they are giving the best service. However, many resources are available which does not provide correct information. Therefore, students should learn to incorporate credible sources only as only credible sources would provide the authentic information that healthcare students can use in their professional practice to develop their knowledge (Wenger-Trayner et al., 2014). Using non-credible sources like personal blogs, internet articles and many others may not provide the correct information. The professor expects every tertiary learner to gain knowledge through acquiring information that is not only the most correct and suitable for the academic writing but is also authentic and most recent so that the information can be trusted (McKinley, 2015). If the arguments presented in the academic papers are not backed by credible sources, the reader may claim otherwise or may reject the argument stating that the argument is not based on proven facts. Therefore, it is extremely important for tertiary learners to use credible sources in their academic writing. An individual who develops information literacy can not only overcome many barriers that come in the pathway of success but can also develop professional people skills. They are able to flourish in the different industries they are working and are always able to keep their knowledge and skills up to date. Individuals also develop ideas about different regulatory issues, industry trends as well as the different competitions that go on in the industry from research journal conducted by eminent scientists and published through renowned publication houses (Mesgari et al., 2015). Often using of the different credible sources can also help me to develop lost of ideas about the legal problem that are faced by the organizations of the industry where I would be working (Diviani et al., 2015). This would help me to be careful while taking decisions that involve legal frameworks. This would prevent me from getting in any legal obligations. Credible sources often provide information that is only proved through experimental observation, conducting randomized trials or conducting different experiments (Braasch et al., 2018). Therefore, the information that they provide is authentic and can help me in my professional fields. Through these credible sources, authors give many recommendations and ideas by which I would be able to overcome many barriers that come in my way. I would try to develop plans that would incorporate the ideas and strategies put forward by the authors of the credible sources. This would help me in helping my organizations to overcome any crisis period that come my way. With the guidance of this credible resources, I will not only be able develop my professional skills but would also develop ideas about how to manage situations effectively. Karanges, E., Johnston, K., Beatson, A., Lings, I. (2015). The influence of internal communication on employee engagement: A pilot study.Public Relations Review,41(1), 129-131. This article is a peer reviewed article which had been conducted by researchers like Emma Karanges, Kim Johnston, Amanda Beatson and Ian Lings. It has been published by one of the most renowned and trustworthy journals like the Elsevier that in turn gives it some degree of credibility. This is mainly because this site had gained huge respect for publishing authentic studies over the year. This study has tried to prove that internal communication has huge importance in maintaining employee engagement and therefore, they had conductive extensive research to find out whether their hypothesis is true or not. They have not just declared it on a personal front without conducting experiments. They have been seen to conduct surveys on an extensive level like around 2000 males and females ranging from the age cohort of 18+ to that 65 years aged employees. The survey had been conducted via email and out of them; about 200 of the responses were selected. Moreover, reliability was measured with proper procedures. Following this, experts had conducted statistical analysis of the data that are indeed important for analyzing the responses and finding out the significances. Linear regression was used and this resulted in finding out the results effectively. The scientists had been successful in finding out the association that actually proved that organizational internal communications as well as internal supervison communication support are indeed successful in maintaining employee engagement. This in turn helps in bringing the best results in the organization by developing the productivity, reducing absenteeism and increasing job satisfaction and retention. Weblink: https://www.hrmblogs.com/2017/02/07/why-internal-communication-is-the-key-driver-of-employee-engagement/ An important site has provided a blog on the same topic stating why internal communication is acting as the key driver of employee engagement. It has been seen that he has provided many important information regarding the topic and had even put in text citations for the comments made by him in his personal blog. However, the most dissatisfactory part of this blog is that the author had not provided a reference list of the in text that he had made. This resulted in questioning the authenticity of the comments made by him. Moreover, he had not conducted any experiment and rather he is writing the article after going through reviews of others or due to his own experiences. Therefore, it might happen that his feelings may be biased. Therefore, the previous article would be considered to be more credible. The credible source helped me to develop the idea that organizational internal communication helps in employee engagement and therefore I should try my best to develop communication skills o that I can engage my employees in the organizational task effectively and help the organization to meet its goals. References: Braasch, J. L., Brten, I., McCrudden, M. T. (2018). Introduction to Research on Multiple Source Use. InHandbook of Multiple Source Use(pp. 13-26). Routledge. Diviani, N., van den Putte, B., Giani, S., van Weert, J. C. (2015). Low health literacy and evaluation of online health information: a systematic review of the literature.Journal of medical Internet research,17(5). Hyland, K. (2014). Activity and evaluation: Reporting practices in academic writing. InAcademic discourse(pp. 125-140). Routledge. Karanges, E., Johnston, K., Beatson, A., Lings, I. (2015). The influence of internal communication on employee engagement: A pilot study.Public Relations Review,41(1), 129-131 McKinley, J. (2015). Critical argument and writer identity: Social constructivism as a theoretical framework for EFL academic writing.Critical Inquiry in Language Studies,12(3), 184-207. Mesgari, M., Okoli, C., Mehdi, M., Nielsen, F. ., Lanamki, A. (2015). The sum of all human knowledge: A systematic review of scholarly research on the content of Wikipedia.Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology,66(2), 219-245. Turabian, K. L. (2018).A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations: Chicago style for students and researchers. University of Chicago Press. Wenger-Trayner, E., Wenger-Trayner, B. (2014). Learning in a landscape of practice: A framework. InLearning in landscapes of practice(pp. 27-44). Routledge.

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